Разработка решений для Microsoft Azure (AZ-204T00)

Developing solutions for Microsoft Azure

Курс предназначен для разработчиков, проектирующих решения на базе MS Azure. Слушатели получат все необходимы знания для проектирования решений для MS Azure любой сложности.

Предварительные требования

  • Опыт разработки программных решений;
  • Знания языков программирования, поддерживаемых в MS Azure;
  • Опыт работы с облачными решениями и знания основных концепций;
  • Опыт работы с PowerShell и/или Azure CLI.

Приобретаемые знания и навыки

По окончании курса слушатели смогут:

  • Создавать веб-приложений Azure App Service;
  • Использовать Azure Functions;
  • Использовать в своих решениях хранилища Azure Blob и Cosmos DB;
  • Работать с виртуальными машинами и контейнерами;
  • Разрабатывать безопасные решения с использованием аутентификации и авторизации;
  • Управлять API;
  • Разрабатывать решения с реакцией на события и сообщения;
  • Разрабатывать решения для журналирования и мониторинга.

Программа курса

Module 1: Explore Azure App Service

  • Describe Azure App Service key components and value.
  • Explain how Azure App Service manages authentication and authorization.
  • Identify methods to control inbound and outbound traffic to your web app.
  • Deploy an app to App Service using Azure CLI commands.

Module 2: Configure web app settings

  • Create application settings that are bound to deployment slots.
  • Explain the options for installing SSL/TLS certificates for your app.
  • Enable diagnostic logging for your app to aid in monitoring and debugging.
  • Create virtual app to directory mappings.

Module 3: Scale apps in Azure App Service

  • Identify scenarios for which autoscaling is an appropriate solution.
  • Create autoscaling rules for a web app.
  • Monitor the effects of autoscaling.

Module 4: Explore Azure App Service deployment slots

  • Describe the benefits of using deployment slots.
  • Understand how slot swapping operates in App Service.
  • Perform manual swaps and enable auto swap.
  • Route traffic manually and automatically.

Module 5: Explore Azure Functions

  • Explain functional differences between Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps, and WebJobs
  • Describe Azure Functions hosting plan options
  • Describe how Azure Functions scale to meet business needs

Module 6: Develop Azure Functions

  • Explain the key components of a function and how they are structured
  • Create triggers and bindings to control when a function runs and where the output is directed
  • Connect a function to services in Azure
  • Create a function by using Visual Studio Code and the Azure Functions Core Tools

Module 7: Explore Azure Blob storage

  • Identify the different types of storage accounts and the resource hierarchy for blob storage.
  • Explain how data is securely stored and protected through redundancy.
  • Create a block blob storage account by using the Azure Cloud Shell.

Module 8 : Manage the Azure Blob storage lifecycle

  • Describe how each of the access tiers are optimized.
  • Create and implement a lifecycle policy.
  • Rehydrate blob data stored in an archive tier.

Module 9: Work with Azure Blob storage

  • Create an application to create and manipulate data by using the Azure Storage client library for Blob storage.
  • Manage container properties and metadata by using .NET and REST.

Module 10: Explore Azure Cosmos DB

  • Identify the key benefits provided by Azure Cosmos DB
  • Describe the elements in an Azure Cosmos DB account and how they are organized
  • Explain the different consistency levels and choose the correct one for your project
  • Explore the APIs supported in Azure Cosmos DB and choose the appropriate API for your solution
  • Describe how request units impact costs
  • Create Azure Cosmos DB resources by using the Azure portal.

Module 11: Work with Azure Cosmos DB

  • Identify classes and methods used to create resources
  • Create resources by using the Azure Cosmos DB .NET v3 SDK
  • Write stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions by using JavaScript

Module 12: Manage container images in Azure Container Registry

  • Explain the features and benefits Azure Container Registry offers.
  • Describe how to use ACR Tasks to automate builds and deployments.
  • Explain the elements in a Dockerfile.
  • Build and run an image in the ACR by using Azure CLI.

Module 13: Run container images in Azure Container Instances

  • Describe the benefits of Azure Container Instances and how resources are grouped.
  • Deploy a container instance in Azure by using the Azure CLI.
  • Start and stop containers using policies.
  • Set environment variables in your container instances.
  • Mount file shares in your container instances.

Module 14: Implement Azure Container Apps

  • Describe the benefits of Azure Container Instances and how resources are grouped
  • Deploy a container instance in Azure by using the Azure CLI
  • Start and stop containers using policies
  • Set environment variables in your container instances
  • Mount file shares in your container instances

Module 15: Explore the Microsoft identity platform

  • Identify the components of the Microsoft identity platform.
  • Describe the three types of service principals and how they relate to application objects.
  • Explain how permissions and user consent operate, and how conditional access impacts your application.

Module 16: Implement authentication by using the Microsoft Authentication Library

  • Explain the benefits of using Microsoft Authentication Library and the application types and scenarios it supports.
  • Instantiate both public and confidential client apps from code.
  • Register an app with the Microsoft identity platform.
  • Create an app that retrieves a token by using the MSAL.NET library.

Module 17: Implement shared access signatures

  • Identify the three types of shared access signatures.
  • Explain when to implement shared access signatures.
  • Create a stored access policy.

Module 18: Explore Microsoft Graph

  • Explain the benefits of using Microsoft Graph.
  • Perform operations on Microsoft Graph by using REST and SDKs.
  • Apply best practices to help your applications get the most out of Microsoft Graph.

Module 19: Implement Azure Key Vault

  • Describe the benefits of using Azure Key Vault
  • Explain how to authenticate to Azure Key Vault
  • Set and retrieve a secret from Azure Key Vault by using the Azure CLI

Module 20: Implement managed identities

  • Explain the differences between the two types of managed identities
  • Describe the flows for user- and system-assigned managed identities
  • Configure managed identities
  • Acquire access tokens by using REST and code

Module 24: Implement Azure App Configuration

  • Explain the benefits of using Azure App Configuration
  • Describe how Azure App Configuration stores information
  • Implement feature management
  • Securely access your app configuration information

Module 21: Explore API Management

  • Describe the components (and their functions) of the API Management service.
  • Explain how API gateways can help manage calls to your APIs.
  • Secure access to APIs by using subscriptions and certificates.
  • Create a backend API.

Module 22: Explore Azure Event Grid

  • Describe how Event Grid operates and how it connects to services and event handlers.
  • Explain how Event Grid delivers events and how it handles errors.
  • Implement authentication and authorization.
  • Route custom events to web endpoint by using Azure CLI.

Module 23: Explore Azure Event Hubs

  • Describe the benefits of using Event Hubs and how it captures streaming data.
  • Explain how to process events.
  • Perform common operations with the Event Hubs client library.

Module 24: Discover Azure message queues

  • Choose the appropriate queue mechanism for your solution.
  • Explain how the messaging entities that form the core capabilities of Service Bus operate.
  • Send and receive message from a Service Bus queue by using .NET.
  • Identify the key components of Azure Queue Storage
  • Create queues and manage messages in Azure Queue Storage by using .NET.

Module 25: Monitor app performance

  • Explain how Azure Monitor operates as the center of monitoring in Azure.
  • Describe how Application Insights works and how it collects events and metrics.
  • Instrument an app for monitoring, perform availability tests, and use Application Map to help you monitor performance and troubleshoot issues.

Module 26: Develop for Azure Cache for Redis

  • Explain the key scenarios Azure Cache for Redis covers and its service tiers.
  • Identify the key parameters for creating an Azure Cache for Redis instance and interact with the cache.
  • Connect an app to Azure Cache for Redis by using .NET Core.

Module 27: Develop for storage on CDNs

  • Explain how the Azure Content Delivery Network works and how it can improve the user experience.
  • Control caching behavior and purge content.
  • Perform actions on Azure CDN by using the Azure CDN Library for .NET.

Документы об окончании курса

  • Сертификат Microsoft об окончании авторизованного курса
  • Сертификат Учебного центра Noventiq
  • Cертификат об обучении установленного образца

ms_cert Certificate Noventiq Education Belarusсертификат об обучении установленного образца

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Информация о курсе

Вендор: Microsoft
Код курса: AZ-204T00
Продолжительность: 5 дней / 40 ак. часов
Направление: Azure
Экзамен :


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Настоящим, в соответствии с ч.2.ст.18 Закона Республики Беларусь от 10.11.2008 N 455-З(ред. от 11.05.2016) "Об информации, информатизации и защите информации" и Законом Республики Беларусь от 7 мая 2021 г. № 99-З «О защите персональных данных», отправляя данную форму, вы подтверждаете свое согласие на сбор, обработку и хранение ООО «СофтЛайнБел» Ваших персональных данных. ООО «СофтЛайнБел» гарантирует конфиденциальность получаемой от Вас информации. Сбор, обработка и хранение персональных данных осуществляется в целях эффективного оказания услуг и исполнения договоров.

Отправляя данную форму я даю согласие на обработку моих персональных данных, а также подтверждаю, что я ознакомлен и согласен с условиями политики обработки персональных данных.