Планирование и внедрение решений Microsoft DevOps (AZ-400T00)

Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps solutions

Курс предоставляет знания и навыки необходимые для проектирования и внедрения процессов и практик DevOps. Слушатели научатся планированию DevOps, методам контроля исходного кода, разработке стратегии управления зависимостями, обеспечению безопасности, выработке стратегии релизов и использованию различных механизмов для получения обратной связи.

Целевая аудитория

Разработчики и ИТ-менеджеры, заинтересованные во внедрении процессов и практик DevOps.

Предварительные требования

  • знания MS Azure;
  • опыт разработки ПО с использованием контроля версий;
  • опыт разработки ПО с использованием практик Agile.

Приобретаемые знания и навыки

По окончании курса слушатели смогут:

  • Планировать проекты и определять KPI проекта;
  • Создавать команды разработки;
  • Знать преимущества и использовать в своей работе контроль исходного кода;
  • Выполнять миграцию с Team Foundation Version Control в Git;
  • Рекомендовать практики и инструменты по работе с артефактами;
  • Управлять конфигурацией и секретами приложений;
  • Управлять качеством проекта;
  • Создавать и внедрять необходимую инфраструктуру;
  • Внедрять контейнеры Docker;
  • Использовать различные механизмы получения обратной связи.

Программа курса

Module 1: Introduction to DevOps

  • Understand what DevOps is and the steps to accomplish it
  • Identify teams to implement the process
  • Plan for the transformation with shared goals and timelines
  • Plan and define timelines for goals

Module 2: Choose the right project

  • Understand different projects and systems to guide the journey
  • Select a project to start the DevOps transformation
  • Identify groups to minimize initial resistance
  • Identify project metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)

Module 3: Describe team structures

  • Understand agile practices and principles of agile development
  • Create a team and agile organizational structure
  • Identify ideal DevOps team members
  • Select and configure tools for collaboration

Module 4: Choose the DevOps tools

  • Design a tool integration strategy
  • Design a license management strategy (e.g. Azure DevOps and GitHub users)
  • Design a strategy for end-to-end traceability from work items to working software
  • Design an authentication and access strategy
  • Design a strategy for integrating on-premises and cloud resources

Module 5: Plan Agile with GitHub Projects and Azure Boards

  • Describe GitHub Projects and Azure Boards
  • Link Azure Boards and GitHub
  • Configure and Manage GitHub Projects and boards
  • Customize Project views

Module 6: Introduction to source control

  • Understand source control
  • Apply best practices for source control
  • Describe the benefits of using source control

Module 7: Describe types of source control systems

  • Apply source control practices in your development process
  • Explain differences between centralized and distributed version control
  • Understand Git and TFVC
  • Develop using Git

Module 8: Work with Azure Repos and GitHub

  • Describe Azure Repos and GitHub
  • Migrate from TFVC to Git
  • Work with GitHub Codespaces

Module 9: Structure your Git Repo

  • Understand Git repositories
  • Implement mono repo or multiple repos
  • Explain how to structure Git Repos
  • Implement a change log

Module 10: Manage Git branches and workflows

  • Describe Git branching workflows
  • Implement feature branches
  • Implement GitHub Flow
  • Fork a repo

Module 11: Collaborate with pull requests in Azure Repos

  • Leverages pull requests for collaboration and code reviews
  • Give feedback using pull requests
  • Configure branch policies
  • Use GitHub mobile for pull requests approvals

Module 12: Identify technical debt

  • Identify and manage technical debt
  • Integrate code quality tools
  • Plan code reviews
  • Describe complexity and quality metrics

Module 13: Explore Git hooks

  • Understand Git hooks
  • Identify when used Git hooks
  • Implement Git hooks for automation
  • Explain Git hooks' behavior

Module 14: Plan foster inner source

  • Use Git to foster inner source across the organization
  • Implement fork workflow
  • Choose between branches and forks
  • Share code between forks

Module 15: Manage Git repositories

  • Understand large Git repositories
  • Explain VFS for Git
  • Use Git Large File Storage (LFS)
  • Purge repository data
  • Manage and Automate Release Notes with GitHub

Module 16: Explore Azure Pipelines

  • Describe Azure Pipelines
  • Explain the role of Azure Pipelines and its components
  • Decide Pipeline automation responsibility
  • Understand Azure Pipeline key terms

Module 17: Manage Azure Pipeline agents and pools

  • Choose between Microsoft-hosted and self-hosted agents
  • Install and configure Azure Pipelines Agents
  • Configure agent pools
  • Make the agents and pools secure
  • Explore communication to deploy using Azure Pipelines

Module 18: Describe pipelines and concurrency

  • Use and estimate parallel jobs
  • Use Azure Pipelines for open-source or private projects
  • Use Visual Designer
  • Work with Azure Pipelines and YAML

Module 19: Explore continuous integration

  • Explain why continuous integration matters
  • Implement continuous integration using Azure Pipelines
  • Explain benefits of continuous integration
  • Describe build properties

Module 20: Implement a pipeline strategy

  • Define a build strategy
  • Explain and configure demands
  • Implement multi-agent builds
  • Use different source control types available in Azure Pipelines

Module 21: Integrate with Azure Pipelines

  • Describe advanced Azure Pipelines anatomy and structure
  • Detail templates and YAML resources
  • Implement and use multiple repositories

Module 22: Introduction to GitHub Actions

  • Explain GitHub Actions and workflows
  • Create and work with GitHub Actions and Workflows
  • Describe Events, Jobs and Runners
  • Examine output and release management for actions

Module 23: Learn continuous integration with GitHub Actions

  • Implement Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions
  • Use environment variables
  • Share artifacts between jobs and use Git tags
  • Create and manage secrets

Module 24: Design a container build strategy

  • Design a container strategy
  • Work with Docker Containers
  • Create an Azure Container Registry
  • Explain Docker microservices and containers

Module 25: Introduction to continuous delivery

  • Explain continuous delivery (CD)
  • Implement continuous delivery in your development cycle
  • Understand releases and deployment
  • Identify project opportunities to apply CD

Module 26: Create a release pipeline

  • Explain the terminology used in Azure DevOps and other Release Management Tooling
  • Describe what a Build and Release task is, what it can do, and some available deployment tasks
  • Implement release jobs

Module 27: Explore release recommendations

  • Explain things to consider when designing your release strategy
  • Define the components of a release pipeline and use artifact sources
  • Create a release approval plan
  • Implement release gates

Module 28: Provision and test environments

  • Provision and configure target environment
  • Deploy to an environment securely using a service connection
  • Configure functional test automation and run availability tests
  • Setup test infrastructure

Module 29: Manage and modularize tasks and templates

  • Use and manage task and variable groups
  • Use release variables and stage variables in your release pipeline
  • Use variables in release pipelines

Module 30: Automate inspection of health

  • Implement automated inspection of health
  • Create and configure events
  • Configure notifications in Azure DevOps and GitHub
  • Create service hooks to monitor pipeline
  • Classify a release versus a release process, and outline how to control the quality of both
  • Choose a release management tool

Module 31: Introduction to deployment patterns

  • Describe deployment patterns
  • Explain microservices architecture
  • Understand classical and modern deployment patterns
  • Plan and design your architecture

Module 32: Implement blue-green deployment and feature toggles

  • Explain deployment strategies
  • Implement blue green deployment
  • Understand deployment slots
  • Implement and manage feature toggles"

Module 33: Implement canary releases and dark launching

  • Describe deployment strategies
  • Implement canary release
  • Explain traffic manager
  • Understand dark launching

Module 34: Implement A/B testing and progressive exposure deployment

  • Implement progressive exposure deployment
  • Implement A/B testing
  • Implement CI/CD with deployment rings
  • Identify the best deployment strategy

Module 35: Integrate with identity management systems

  • Integrate Azure DevOps with identity management systems
  • Integrate GitHub with single sign-on (SSO)
  • Understand and create a service principal
  • Create managed service identities

Module 36: Manage application configuration data

  • Rethink application configuration data
  • Understand separation of concerns
  • Integrate Azure Key Vault with Azure Pipelines
  • Manage secrets, tokens and certificates
  • Describe Azure App Configuration
  • Understand Key-value pairs
  • Understand app configuration feature management
  • Implement application configuration

Module 37: Explore infrastructure as code and configuration management

  • Understand how to deploy your environment
  • Plan your environment configuration
  • Choose between imperative versus declarative configuration
  • Explain idempotent configuration

Module 38: reate Azure resources using Azure Resource Manager templates

  • Create Azure resources using Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Understand Azure Resource Manager templates and template components
  • Manage dependencies and secrets in templates
  • Organize and modularize templates

Module 39: Create Azure resources by using Azure CLI

  • Create Azure resources using Azure CLI
  • Understand and work with Azure CLI
  • Run templates using Azure CLI
  • Explains Azure CLI commands

Module 40: Explore Azure Automation with DevOps

  • Implement automation with Azure DevOps
  • Create and manage runbooks
  • Create webhooks
  • Create and run a workflow runbook and PowerShell workflows

Module 41: Implement Desired State Configuration (DSC)

  • Implement Desired State Configuration (DSC)
  • Describe Azure Automation State Configuration
  • Implement DSC and Linux Automation on Azure
  • Plan for hybrid management

Module 42: Implement Bicep

  • Learn what Bicep is
  • Learn how to install it and create a smooth authoring experience
  • Use Bicep to deploy resources to Azure
  • Deploy Bicep files in Cloud Shell and Visual Studio Code

Module 43: Introduction to Secure DevOps

  • Identify SQL injection attack
  • Understand DevSecOps
  • Implement pipeline security
  • Understand threat modeling

Module 44: Implement open-source software

  • Implement open-source software
  • Explain corporate concerns for open-source components
  • Describe open-source licenses
  • Understand the license implications and ratings

Module 45: Software Composition Analysis

  • Inspect and validate code bases for compliance
  • Integrate security tools like WhiteSource with Azure DevOps
  • Implement pipeline security validation
  • Interpret alerts from scanning tools
  • Configure GitHub Dependabot alerts and security

Module 46: Static analyzers

  • Understand Static Analyzers
  • Work with SonarCloud
  • Work with CodeQL in GitHub
  • Interpret alerts from scanning tools

Module 47: OWASP and Dynamic Analyzers

  • Understand OWASP and Dynamic Analyzers
  • Implement OWASP Security Coding Practices
  • Understand compliance for code bases

Module 48: Security Monitoring and Governance

  • Configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Understand Azure policies
  • Describe initiatives, resource locks and Azure Blueprints
  • Work with Microsoft Defender for Identity

Module 49: Explore package dependencies

  • Define dependency management strategy
  • Identify dependencies
  • Describe elements and componentization of a dependency management
  • Scan your codebase for dependencies

Module 50: Understand package management

  • Implement package management
  • Manage package feed
  • Consume and create packages
  • Publish packages

Module 51: Migrate consolidating and secure artifacts

  • Identify artifact repositories
  • Migrate and integrate artifact repositories
  • Secure package feeds
  • Understand roles, permissions and authentication

Module 52: Implement a versioning strategy

  • Implement a versioning strategy
  • Promote packages
  • Push packages from pipeline
  • Describe semantic and explore best practices for versioning

Module 53: Introduction to GitHub Packages

  • Publish packages
  • Install packages
  • Delete and restore packages
  • Configure access control and visibility

Module 54: Implement tools to track usage and flow

  • Implement tools to track feedback
  • Plan for continuous monitoring
  • Implement Application Insights
  • Use Kusto Query Language (KQL)

Module 55: Develop monitor and status dashboards

  • Configure Azure Dashboards
  • Work with View Designer in Azure Monitor
  • Create Azure Monitor Workbooks
  • Monitor with Power BI

Module 56: Share knowledge within teams

  • Share knowledge with development teams
  • Work with Azure DevOps Wikis
  • Integrate with Azure Boards

Module 57: Design processes to automate application analytics

  • Automate application analytics
  • Assist DevOps with rapid responses and augmented search
  • Integrate telemetry
  • Implement monitoring tools and technologies

Module 58: Manage alerts, blameless retrospectives and a just culture

  • Carry out blameless retrospectives and create a just culture
  • Improve application performance
  • Explain server response time degradation
  • Reduce meaningless and non-actionable alerts

Документы об окончании курса

  • Сертификат Microsoft об окончании авторизованного курса
  • Сертификат Учебного центра Noventiq
  • Cертификат об обучении установленного образца

ms_cert Certificate Noventiq Education Belarusсертификат об обучении установленного образца

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Информация о курсе

Вендор: Microsoft
Код курса: AZ-400T00
Продолжительность: 4 дня / 32 ак. часа
Направление: Azure
Экзамен :


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Настоящим, в соответствии с ч.2.ст.18 Закона Республики Беларусь от 10.11.2008 N 455-З(ред. от 11.05.2016) "Об информации, информатизации и защите информации" и Законом Республики Беларусь от 7 мая 2021 г. № 99-З «О защите персональных данных», отправляя данную форму, вы подтверждаете свое согласие на сбор, обработку и хранение ООО «СофтЛайнБел» Ваших персональных данных. ООО «СофтЛайнБел» гарантирует конфиденциальность получаемой от Вас информации. Сбор, обработка и хранение персональных данных осуществляется в целях эффективного оказания услуг и исполнения договоров.

Отправляя данную форму я даю согласие на обработку моих персональных данных, а также подтверждаю, что я ознакомлен и согласен с условиями политики обработки персональных данных.